It's been a while since I've had a chance to blog! So much life has been happening, I haven't had time to sit at my computer and look back on all of it. I want to make time to keep this online journal up-to-date, because I really enjoy the process of it all. There's something different about adventuring and taking photos versus making a story from them for someone other than myself to see. Creating a collage of thoughts and snapshots makes it so that these memories cannot be forgotten.
Where to begin? There have been so many adventures in the past few months.
I'll start with our road trip in February to Lake Tahoe, where Greg's family has a cabin. We met a group of some of our closest friends for a week of nothing but good times. We were lucky enough to get warm-sunny weather the first few days, hanging by the lake and soaking in rays. Then, winter struck and a full blown snow storm hit stacking inches quick. It was fine though because it gave us the best of both worlds. Corn hole by the lake followed by snuggling up in front of the fire to watch movies. It doesn't really matter what you're doing when you're surrounded by your favorite friends.
Words can't describe how much I love these people. Whenever we all get the chance to reunite (which honestly isn't often enough) you can feel the love radiating out of everyone. So instead of rambling on about my best friends, I'll just post a little gallery of shots from the trip. Can't wait until next time!!