Work gave me a few days off this past week, Greg was out of town and I realized I hadn't seen one of my dearest friends in a while. So, Iggy and I packed up the car, turned on some Tom Petty and booked it to the coast.
We made it to Maya's in time for a walk on the beach with the pups before the sun set. I could tell Iggy was skeptical of the long car ride until he realized we were at the coast-his favorite place of all time!
Maya and I spent the night catching up, eating delicious homemade tacos and drinking beers. It's funny when you haven't seen someone in a while but you pick up right where you left off, no matter how much time has passed. Maya is that kind of friend for me, she's been my number one since we met back in college. So much life has happened since those days, both of us growing and doing our own thing but we are still somehow on the same page.
Tuesday morning came and we got an early start, grabbing snacks and coffees on the way to Ecola State Park. Checked out the view of the lighthouse and were lucky enough to be greeted with a rainbow and clearing skies. Walked around Indian Beach, watching the fog and clouds shift so the sun could come out. Then, we took a hike to a beautiful hidden beach. The puppies pranced around and chased each other in circles the entire time.
Every time I visit the ocean I don't want to leave. Maybe it's the moody weather, the endless horizon, or the vastness of it all, I don't know-but I love it! I think one day I'll live somewhere on the coastline, but for now the desert and the mountains are pretty perfect.(I could just be having one of those "you want what you can't have" moments-since Bend is five hours from the beach.) Either way, I'm pretty in love with the whole state of Oregon and I am so happy to call it my home!
To end our little rainy road trip, Iggy and I visited Short Sands for our last frolic on the beach. Walking through the old growth forest and across the hanging bridge brought back so many good memories surfing and camping here. It was a good pit stop.
From Shorties we got some groceries and a big coffee and drove to Saddle Mountain so we could stretch our legs a bit before our three hour drive to Silver Falls State Park. The weather on the mountain went from bad to worse and was not only dumping rain but extremely windy and at the top, snowing. The hike felt a little spooky with fog surrounding us and rain pounding down but we had a good time-as we always do.
Soaking wet and freezing cold we got back on the road and cruised to Silver Falls. We got there with a little light left in the day, just enough to hike to a few waterfalls. Then, we checked in to the little cabin I had booked for the night and got pretty cozy. Iggy slept while yoga, wine and reading were the only things left on my to-do list.
Here's to another great three days off! I have been realizing lately the value of time, and the importance of doing what you love. Everyday is a chance to create something new for yourself, so go out and do it!